
Asbestos and Hazardous Materials Risk Assessments.

For Victoria, 'Division 5' (whole workplace) or 'Division 6' (pre demolition / refurbishment) risk assessments of accessible areas in buildings, structures, ships and plant.

SMF (Rock wool, Glasswool, etc) PCB (in ballasts and capacitors, etc) Lead Paint, biological, chemical and other hazards may be included, depending on the scope of work.

NATA Accredited laboratories conduct the fibre counting or bulk sample analysis.

Risk Assessments

Risk assessments are complex processes involving numerous factors. I.e. monitoring and investigation of the existing workplace environment and potential future risks.

Depending on the hazard type, the risk assessment may include the evaluation of all or some of the following.
  1. Type, concentration and toxicity of the substance or material.
  2. Condition, friability or volatility of the substance or material.
  3. MSDS, monitoring and epidemiological data.
  4. Workplace environment, location, machinery, plant and equipment and design.
  5. Duration of exposure, dose levels.
  6. Potential for physical disturbance, ignition, containment.
  7. Individual biological sensitivity.
  8. Lifestyle factors. I.e. Smoking, general health, alcohol use.
  9. Historical records and data.
  10. Existing protective equipment use and training.
  11. Hazard awareness and training.

Asbestos air monitoring

Occupational (personal) and Paraoccupational / Control (fixed position) air monitoring, during asbestos removals and normal work processes.

Various methods and instruments are employed to measure each airborne contaminant, i.e. Methods are typically referenced from Australian Standards, ACGIH or NIOSH.